An air riveter gun is an essential tool for any DIY enthusiast or professional who needs to join metal or other materials with rivets. But with so many options available in the market, choosing the right one can be overwhelming. In this article, we will discuss the key factors that you need to consider when buying an air riveter gun to ensure that you make an informed decision.


An air riveter gun is a tool that is used to join two pieces of metal or other materials with rivets. The tool operates by pulling the mandrel of a rivet through the material, creating a secure joint. There are various types of air riveter guns available in the market, each with its own set of features and advantages. However, choosing the right one can be challenging if you are not familiar with the key factors to consider.

Types of Air Riveter Guns

The first factor to consider when buying an air riveter gun is the type of gun that you need. There are two main types of air riveter guns: pneumatic and hydraulic.

Pneumatic vs. Hydraulic

Pneumatic air riveter guns use compressed air to operate, while hydraulic guns use fluid pressure. Pneumatic guns are generally more popular and affordable, while hydraulic guns are more powerful and durable. However, hydraulic guns are also more expensive and require more maintenance than pneumatic guns.

Rivet Capacity

The second factor to consider when buying an air riveter gun is the rivet capacity of the gun. This refers to the size and type of rivets that the gun can handle. Different rivet guns have different capacities, so it is important to choose a gun that can handle the size and type of rivets that you need.

Grip Comfort

The third factor to consider when buying an air riveter gun is the grip comfort of the gun. This refers to how comfortable the gun is to hold and use. A gun with a comfortable grip can reduce hand fatigue and make it easier to use the gun for extended periods.

Nosepiece Size

The fourth factor to consider when buying an air riveter gun is the size of the nosepiece. This refers to the part of the gun that holds the rivet. Different guns have different nosepiece sizes, so it is important to choose a gun that can accommodate the size and type of rivets that you need.


The fifth factor to consider when buying an air riveter gun is the durability of the gun. This refers to how well the gun can withstand wear and tear over time. A durable gun can last longer and provide better performance than a less durable gun.


The sixth factor to consider when buying an air riveter gun is the cost of the gun. Air riveter guns can range in price from less than $50 to several hundred dollars. It is important to choose a gun that fits within your budget, but also provides the features and performance that you need.

Noise Level

The seventh factor to consider when buying an air riveter gun is the noise level of the gun. Some guns can be very loud, which can be distracting and potentially damaging to your hearing. It is important to choose a gun that has a noise level that is comfortable for you to use.


The eighth factor to consider when buying an air riveter gun is the maintenance required. Different guns have different maintenance needs, such as lubrication and cleaning. It is important to choose a gun that you can easily maintain to ensure its longevity and consistent performance.

Brand Reputation

The ninth factor to consider when buying an air riveter gun is the brand reputation of the manufacturer. A reputable brand is more likely to produce quality products and provide good customer service. It is worth researching different brands and reading reviews from other buyers to find a brand that is reliable and trustworthy.


The tenth factor to consider when buying an air riveter gun is the warranty offered by the manufacturer. A warranty can provide peace of mind and protection in case of defects or malfunctions. It is important to choose a gun with a warranty that fits your needs and provides adequate coverage.

Reviews and Ratings

The eleventh factor to consider when buying an air riveter gun is the reviews and ratings of the gun. Reading reviews from other buyers can provide valuable insights into the performance and reliability of the gun. It is important to consider both positive and negative reviews to make an informed decision.

Where to Buy: Moonzite Online Shop

When it comes to buying an air riveter gun, Moonzite is a reputable online shop that offers a wide range of options to choose from. They offer competitive prices and high-quality products from top brands. Additionally, their website is user-friendly, making it easy to find and compare different products. With their excellent customer service and fast shipping, Moonzite is a great option for anyone looking to buy an air riveter gun.


Choosing the right air riveter gun can be a daunting task, but considering the factors discussed in this article can make the process easier. Whether you are a DIY enthusiast or a professional, finding a gun that fits your needs and budget is essential to ensure that you can work efficiently and effectively. Remember to consider factors such as type, rivet capacity, grip comfort, nosepiece size, durability, cost, noise level, maintenance, brand reputation, warranty, and reviews and ratings when making your decision.


1. What is an air riveter gun?

An air riveter gun is a tool used to fasten metal or plastic components together using a rivet. It uses compressed air to pull the mandrel, which creates a bulge in the back of the rivet, holding the components in place.

2. What are the different types of air riveter guns?

There are several types of air riveter guns, including hand-held, bench-mounted, and pistol-grip. Hand-held guns are the most common and are great for smaller jobs. Bench-mounted guns are ideal for larger projects and require less physical effort. Pistol-grip guns are perfect for tight spaces and hard-to-reach areas.

3. What is the rivet capacity of an air riveter gun?

The rivet capacity of an air riveter gun is the maximum diameter and length of the rivet that the gun can handle. It is important to choose a gun with the appropriate rivet capacity for your needs to ensure that it can handle the size and strength of the components you are working with.

4. How important is grip comfort when choosing an air riveter gun?

Grip comfort is essential when choosing an air riveter gun, especially if you plan to use it for extended periods. A comfortable grip can reduce fatigue and increase productivity. Look for guns with ergonomic handles and anti-slip materials to ensure a comfortable grip.

5. Where can I buy an air riveter gun, and why is Moonzite a good option?

You can buy an air riveter gun from various online and offline retailers, but Moonzite is a great option because they offer a wide selection of high-quality guns from reputable brands at competitive prices. They also provide excellent customer service and fast shipping, making them a reliable choice for all your tool needs.